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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/27/14 A Time To Hate Bubba Garner Gospel Meeting 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting BGarner-ATimeToHate-082714AM.mp3
08/26/14 Effects of Entertainment Bubba Garner Gospel Meeting 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting BGarner-EffectsOfEntertainment-082614.mp3
08/25/14 Is Jesus Still The Answer? Bubba Garner Gospel Meeting 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting BGarner-IsJesusSTillTheAnswer-082514.mp3
08/24/14 Make Me A Servant Bubba Garner Gospel Meeting 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting BGarner-MakeMeAServant-082414.mp3
08/24/14 Love Believes All Things Bubba Garner Gospel Meeting 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting BGarner-LoveBelievesAllThings-082414.mp3
08/24/14 How To Listen To A Sermon Bubba Garner Gospel Meeting 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting BGarner-HowToListenToASermon-082414.mp3
08/17/14 Song of the Forgiven Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun PM1 2014_08-17P.mp3
08/10/14 When Do We Eat? Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun AM 2014_08-10A.mp3
08/03/14 The Prayer of Jabez Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun PM2 2014_08-03P.mp3
07/27/14 Who Am I Hurting? Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun AM 2014_07-27A.mp3
07/17/14 The 12 Spies Jeremy Hodges VBS VBS VBS 2014-07-17_VBS05.mp3
07/16/14 The Golden Calf Roy Fenner VBS VBS VBS 2014-07-16_VBS04.mp3
07/16/14 The 10 Commandments Roy Fenner VBS VBS VBS 2014-07-16_VBS03.mp3
07/15/14 The 10 Plagues Jack Smith VBS VBS VBS 2014-07-15_VBS02.mp3
07/14/14 The Burning Bush Mark White VBS VBS VBS 2014-07-14_VBS01.mp3
07/13/14 And Now, A Word from Our Sponsors Flores, Zeke Sermon Back to Basics Sun AM 2014-07-13_AndNowAWord.mp3
06/29/14 It's Personal Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun AM 2014_06-29A-ItsPersonal.mp3
06/22/14 Relativism Rules Flores, Zeke Sermon Devo Night Sun PM1 2014_06-22P-RelativismRules.mp3
06/15/14 The Importance of Christian Fathers Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun AM 2014_06-15A_ImportanceOfChristianFathers.mp3
06/08/14 Looking: The Lord's Supper Flores, Zeke Sermon Back to Basics Sun PM1 2014_06-08P_LookingLordsSupper.mp3
06/01/14 Self-Conquest Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun AM 2014_06-02-Self-Conquest.mp3
05/25/14 One Kid's Faith Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun PM1 2014_05-25PM_OneKidsFaith.mp3
05/18/14 The Poor Rich Man Flores, Zeke Sermon N/A Sun AM 2014_05-20A-PoorRichFool.mp3
05/11/14 Bible Benevolence Flores, Zeke Sermon Back to Basics Sun PM1 2014-05-11PM_BibleBenevolence.mp3
05/04/14 Inside Eastside #3 Marc Hinds - Zeke Flores Podcast Inside Eastside Podcast insideEastside003.mp3

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