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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/18/24 21st Century Pharisees LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024_02-18a-_21stCenturyPharisees.mp3
02/14/24 Exodus 7 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class Chapter_7_02-14-24.mp3
02/11/24 3 John LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Sun AM Chapter_1_02-11-24.mp3
02/11/24 7 Reasons to Memorize the Bible LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024_02-11a-_7ReasonsToMemorizetheBible.mp3
02/11/24 Wisdom From Above LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024_02-11p-_WisdomFromAbove.mp3
02/07/24 Exodus 7 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class Chapter_7_02-07-24.mp3
02/04/24 Complaining and Lamenting LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024_02-04p-_ComplainingandLamenting.mp3
02/04/24 What Were You Before You Became a Christian LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024_02-04a-_WhatWereYouBeforeChristian.mp3
02/04/24 2 John 1 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Sun AM Chapter_1_02-04-24.mp3
01/31/24 Exodus 6 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class Chapter_6_01-31-24.mp3
01/21/24 What Does the Bible Say About the Role of Women in Worship? LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024_01-21p-_Theroleofwomeninworship.mp3
01/21/24 Sanctification in the Sinless Christ LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024_01-21a-_Sanctification.mp3
01/21/24 2 John 1 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Sun AM Chapter_1_01-21-24.mp3
01/14/24 For Our Sake LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024_01-14p-_ForOurSake.mp3
01/14/24 The Ministry of Reconciliation LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024_01-14a-_theMinistryofReconciliation.mp3
01/14/24 1 John 5 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2024_01-14.mp3
01/10/24 Exodus 4-5 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class Chapter_4_01-10-24.mp3
01/07/24 Grace of God LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024_01-07p-_GraceofGod.mp3
01/07/24 1 John 5 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2024_01-07.mp3
01/07/24 New Beginnings LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024_01-07a-_NewBeginnings.mp3
01/03/24 Exodus 4 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class Chapter_4_01-03-24.mp3
12/31/23 What Are You Bringing to the Table? LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_12-31a-_WhatAreYouBringingtotheTable.mp3
12/31/23 1 John 5 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2023_12-31.mp3
12/27/23 Exodus 3-4 LaRue, Jesse Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class Chapter_4_12-27-23.mp3
12/24/23 Immanuel, God With Us LaRue, Jesse Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_12-24a-_ImmanuelGodWithUs.mp3

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